
How the leading F&B company Andros validated which new flavour to bring to market next

The leading F&B company, known for its innovative vegetarian and vegan options, sought to align market research with consumer preferences for their new flavour addition. Utilising Horizon's behavioural insights software, they swiftly acquired scalable consumer data and identified the flavour with the strongest purchase intent form real consumers.

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How an international personal care company navigated market entry for their latest product

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How Virgin Pure was able to successfully execute a 15% price increase with Horizon's consumer validation

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How Horizon identified the value proposition with the highest revenue potential among the target audience for an AI-powered financial advisor

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Pricing excellence: how Horizon shaped the market entry pricing strategy for innovative cat food by a leading pet food brand

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How the leading F&B company Andros validated which new flavour to bring to market next

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How a home appliance brand consumer-validated a subscription model for their water purifier with Horizon

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How an insurance company used Horizon to find the optimal market entry price for a new cancer insurance

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How an international beauty player consumer-validated a subscription model

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How an international beauty player identified France as the primary market for their new product

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Budget for behavioural consumer product research in 2023

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How Bosch consumer-validated a decision on a line extension with behavioural research

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How Bosch was able to increase the price from 179€ to 199€ with the help of Horizon

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Behavioural research design handbook

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The One Innovation Problem your Company Must Crack

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